The season of generosity is upon us. For this Giving Tuesday, we’ve rounded up some unique ways to give back—whether you want to shop for a cause, donate to neighbors in need, or volunteer during your holiday vacation days.
Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association. For the chef on your list, support the sustainability of Maine fisheries by buying “Catch. A Maine Seafood Cookbook.” Available at Print, DiMillo’s and Fork Food Lab. Buy a copy at Harbor Fish Market or Free Range Fish and you can pick up ingredients while you’re there!
Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine. Know a little someone who would love the new Children’s Museum on Thompson’s Point? Gift cards can be used for anything the Museum offers, including admission, membership, and theatre tickets. The Museum also has a holiday silent auction online, perfect for gift shopping, through Dec. 11.
Chance to Advance. Looking for a teacher appreciation gift? Go with a Celebrating Diversity wall calendar that helps fund scholarships for New Mainers pursuing higher education in Maine.
Maine Historical Society. The Museum Store on Congress Street has beautiful works by Maine authors and makers, curated gift sets and cool games and toys. Every purchase supports MHS programs.
Furniture Friends. If you splurge on new furniture for the holidays, bring your no-longer-needed but perfectly usable tables and chairs, couches, and beds to this Westbrook-based nonprofit. They deliver furniture in the Greater Portland area to immigrants, people coming out of abusive relationships and people who were recently homeless.
Goodwill of Northern New England. Go through your closet and make a donation run to Goodwill, which runs workforce services programs and healthcare services for adults with a disability or brain injury.
Maine Needs. This nonprofit based on Forest Avenue collects and distributes items needed in the community. Right now, that’s winter coats, warm sock, hand warmers, pots and pans, towels, and, sadly, tents and sleeping bags.
Preble Street. Donate a new pair of work boots for someone trying to get back on their feet. You might be able to find a deal at Marden’s and buy a couple of pairs.
Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Maine welcome volunteers to support their homework, STEM, arts and character leadership programs. Always wanted to share your love of knitting with the next generation? Here’s your chance.
United Way of Southern Maine. United Way has a searchable database of hundreds of volunteer opportunities. You can help low-income Mainers file their taxes, be a reading mentor or spread some holiday cheer on the Polar Express with the Narrow Gauge Railroad! There are opportunities for groups, too, like the WEX employees who recently built Little Free Libraries.
Wayside Food Programs. Wayside depends on hundreds of volunteers to sort and pack food donations, make pick-ups and deliveries, and prep and cook from-scratch meals for community dinners. Sign up for their newsletter for volunteering updates.
The Locker Project. The Locker Project gets food to kids and their families at more than 40 preschools, schools and neighborhood sites in Cumberland County. Organize a food drive or help pack bags at the warehouse.
There are so many more ways to give back! Got more suggestions? Email us at portlandoldport.com or DM us.