We’ve all heard it time and time again: BUY LOCAL. Now, two Mainers are asking you to put your money where your mouth is. Sean Sullivan and Kai Smith founded the Buoy Local card system that teams up with Portland businesses to encourage consumers to shop locally.
Buoy Local is a gift card on steroids. Shoppers purchase the card for an amount between $5-$500, and use it for purchases at the nearly 30 (and growing) participating local shops and businesses. Starting Saturday the 30th, cards will be available for purchase on their site, at Casco Bay Frames, and Longfellow Books.
The Buoy Local website explains that similar style cards are in cities across the U.S. and, in some cases, have brought upwards of $10,000 in yearly revenue to participating businesses, and millions of dollars back into the communities they’re used in.
Given the time of year, this is a great gift option for friends and family. Gift cards can be iffy presents — seemingly impersonal or not meeting the tastes of the receiver. The Buoy Local Card overcomes these stereotypes to offer something for every Portland-phile.
In efforts to save participating businesses the costs of the necessary technology involved with the card, the Buoy Local founders set up an Indiegogo crowd funding site. Donations are accepted until November 29th.
The official launch of Buoy Local will take place this Saturday, November 30th at Springer’s Jewelers on Congress Street from 4 – 6 pm. The flyer advertises drinks, appetizers, and mingling with locals.
For more information and a comprehensive list of the participating businesses, visit their website.