Portland based artist Anastasia Inciardi sells $1 prints across the country in vending machines.

Ana is a local printmaker based out of Portland, Maine. As a relief printmaker, she discovered her love for carving linocuts, and has continued to expand into this medium. Her prints are primarily of food, animals, and other various objects.
She got her start by creating prints of buildings, and has since expanded into new avenues – primarily foods. Growing up Italian American, Ana and her family have always had an appreciation for food, and this has since been an inspiration for her art. Additionally, Ana’s fiancée Addison, is an organic vegetable farmer. Addison also shares her passion for food, and the vegetables she brings home acts further inspiration for Ana.
She launched her first print vending machine in 2022, and has since grown her operation to have 6 machines across the United States. We visited the one in Portland, located in Soleil. She has one other machine in Maine, located in Wild Oats Bakery in Brunswick. The rest of her mini print locations can be found in Colorado, New York, and two in California. Incaiardi grew up in Brooklyn, which helped inspire the idea for the print machines. She came up with this unique take on similar machines that sold temporary tattoos she would frequently see around New York.
Check out her Instagram to stay up to date on vending machine locations, so you can get a print for yourself! Or, visit her website to order prints.