TRIVIA IS BACK! Wednesday, starts promptly at 6pm. The Bonus round this week is going to be Fast Food Slogans, which should be a fun one! Hope to see you there as we kick off a great new season of trivia with @hardlytrivial.
Don’t forget, Wednesdays are also our Two Pints & a Pie special night. A cheese pizza (toppings additional) and two pints of any beer for $25.
Trivia is every Wednesday in the Bissell Brothers taproom. Gather a team of 2-8 (smart) people and join us weekly from 6-8pm. No registration required. Winners are in store for some sweet prizes, while losers are in store for tasty beer and fun times… pretty low stakes there if you ask us. Bissell Brothers Kitchen is open, so come hungry!
We are thrilled to announce Portland’s newest weekly Trivia Game, No Sports Trivia! A trivia game for those of us that know nothing about sports and usually tank an otherwise perfect trivia game when it comes to the goddamn sports round . Games are hosted by local comic, and friend Timmy Elliot! ( @thetimmytrain ) you may remember him from hosting trivia games at @coalsbayside and all the best dive bars in town.
Games start at 7pm , sign up starts at 6:30 . Limited seating so get there early! As always, we will be serving steamed red snappers and delicious beverages throughout. See you Wednesday
You ready for trivia night?
Did you know we host trivia every Wednesday night? From 7-9PM in our Portland location, you can test your brain power against some seriously tricky trivia questions. First, second, and third-place teams win Gritty’s gift cards for their display of knowledge. Can’t make it tonight? We’ll see you next week for another round.
Goodfire Brewing Co.: This East Bayside brewery runs trivia every Thursday from 6pm – 8pm. Hosted by Best Worst Trivia.